Making the Emacs built-in tab-bar Look Like Vim’s Tab Bar


The vim-tab-bar.el Emacs package modifies the appearance of the Emacs tab-bar to resemble Vim’s tabbed browsing interface. It also ensures that the tab-bar’s appearance remains consistent with the overall color scheme of the current theme.

The Emacs built-in tab-bar feature, which enables users to manage multiple buffers through a visual interface at the top of the Emacs window, is available in Emacs version 27 or higher.



The vim-tab-bar.el package can be installed from MELPA by adding the following lines to your Emacs init file:

(use-package vim-tab-bar
  :ensure t
  (vim-tab-bar-mode 1))Code language: CSS (css)


Here are a few more screenshots showing how the jamescherti/vim-tab-bar.el package adapts Emacs tab-bar colors to any loaded theme:

The above theme is the Tomorrow Night Deepblue Emacs theme

How do Vim tabs look like?

For those who have never used Vim and are curious about the appearance of Vim tabs, here is a screenshot:

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