Ansible: Installing and configuring Gitolite using Ansible for secure Git repository management

EDIT: The latest version of the code is available in the repository:

Gitolite provides a way to manage Git repositories, control access to those repositories, and maintain a central configuration using simple configuration files and SSH keys.

Automating Gitolite Installation with Ansible

The Ansible tasks outlined in this article are designed to simplify the installation and configuration of Gitolite on your server. These tasks can automatically handle the entire setup process, including prerequisites like installing necessary packages and configuring system users and groups.

This automation significantly reduces the risk of human error and ensures a consistent setup across different environments.

The Ansible tasks:

# Automating Gitolite Installation with Ansible
# License: MIT
# Author: James Cherti
# URL:

- name: Install Gitolite
    - name: Check if the Operating System is supported
        msg: "Operating System family is not supported: {{ ansible_os_family }}"
      when: ansible_os_family not in ["Debian", "RedHat"]

    - name: Install Gitolite on Debian-based Systems
        name: gitolite3
      when: ansible_os_family == "Debian"

    - name: Install Gitolite on RedHat-based Systems
      yum: name=gitolite3
      when: ansible_os_family == "RedHat"

    - name: Create Gitolite system group
        name: "{{ gitolite_group }}"
        system: true

    - name: Create Gitolite system user
        name: "{{ gitolite_user }}"
        group: "{{ gitolite_group }}"
        home: "{{ gitolite_home }}"
        shell: "{{ gitolite_shell }}"
        create_home: true
        system: true

    - name: Ensure Gitolite home directory exists with proper permissions
        state: directory
        path: "{{ gitolite_home }}"
        owner: "{{ gitolite_user }}"
        group: "{{ gitolite_group }}"
        mode: 0700

- name: Configure Gitolite SSH key
    - name: Generate Gitolite SSH key pair if it does not exist
      become: true
      become_user: "{{ gitolite_user }}"
      command: ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -f {{ gitolite_ssh_key_path | quote }} -N ""
        creates: "{{ gitolite_ssh_key_path }}"

    - name: Set permissions for the Gitolite .ssh directory
        path: "{{ gitolite_ssh_directory }}"
        owner: "{{ gitolite_user }}"
        group: "{{ gitolite_user }}"
        mode: 0700

    - name: Set permissions for the SSH public key
        path: "{{ gitolite_ssh_key_path }}.pub"
        owner: "{{ gitolite_user }}"
        group: "{{ gitolite_user }}"
        mode: 0644

    - name: Set permissions for the SSH private key
        path: "{{ gitolite_ssh_key_path }}"
        owner: "{{ gitolite_user }}"
        group: "{{ gitolite_user }}"
        mode: 0600

- name: Setup Gitolite
    - name: Initialize Gitolite with the admin public key
      become: true
      become_user: "{{ gitolite_user }}"
          - "gitolite"
          - "setup"
          - "-pk"
          - "{{ gitolite_ssh_public_key_path }}"
        creates: /var/lib/gitolite/repositories/gitolite-admin.gitCode language: YAML (yaml)

The required Ansible variables:

# Automating Gitolite Installation with Ansible
# License: MIT
# Author: James Cherti
# URL:

gitolite_user: gitolite
gitolite_group: gitolite
gitolite_shell: /bin/bash
gitolite_home: "/var/lib/{{ gitolite_user }}"
gitolite_ssh_directory: "{{ gitolite_home }}/.ssh"
gitolite_ssh_key_path: "{{ gitolite_ssh_directory }}/id_rsa"
gitolite_ssh_public_key_path: "{{ gitolite_ssh_directory }}/"Code language: YAML (yaml)

Related links

A Git Tool that can decide whether to use ‘git mv’ or ‘mv’ to move files and/or directories

The git-smartmv command-line tool, written by James Cherti, allows moving files and/or directories without having to worry about manually choosing whether to use mv or git mv.

  • If the file or directory is being moved within the same Git repository, git-smartmv uses git mv.
  • If the file or directory is being moved between a Git repository and a non-Git directory or a different Git repository, git-smartmv uses mv.


sudo pip install git-smartmvCode language: plaintext (plaintext)

Shell alias

To simplify the usage of this tool, you can add the following line to your ~/.bashrc:

alias mv="git-smartmv"Code language: plaintext (plaintext)


The git-smartmv command-line tool accepts similar arguments as the mv command, including the source file or directory to be moved, and the destination file or directory.


git smartmv file1 file2 directory/

Second example (rename):

git smartmv file1 file2

Links related to git-smartmv

Gentoo: How to Speed Up emerge ‐‐sync

Synchronizing with the Gentoo Portage ebuild repository using emerge --sync can be slow when utilizing the rsync protocol. However, an effective solution exists that can greatly improve the synchronization speed: Configuring emerge --sync to synchronize using Git instead.

In this article, we will explore how to set up emerge to synchronize from the official Gentoo ebuild Git repository and save valuable time during the synchronizing process.

Step 1: Install Git using the following command:

sudo emerge -a dev-vcs/gitCode language: plaintext (plaintext)

Step 2: Remove any file from the directory /etc/portage/repos.conf/ that configures the emerge command to use rsync.

Step 3: Create the file /etc/portage/repos.conf/gentoo.conf containing:

main-repo = gentoo


# The sync-depth=1 option speeds up initial pull by fetching 
# only the latest Git commit and its immediate ancestors, 
# reducing the amount of downloaded Git history.
sync-depth = 1

sync-type = git
auto-sync = yes
location = /var/db/repos/gentoo
sync-git-verify-commit-signature = yes
sync-openpgp-key-path = /usr/share/openpgp-keys/gentoo-release.asc
sync-uri = language: plaintext (plaintext)

Step 4: Finally, run the following command to synchronize with the Gentoo ebuild repository using Git:

sudo emerge --sync

The initial download of the entire Git repository will cause the first emerge --sync command to take some time. However, subsequent synchronizations will be significantly quicker, taking only a few seconds.

Using Git can be a great way to speed up synchronization with the Gentoo ebuild repository. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can clone the Portage repository to your local machine and keep it up-to-date with the latest changes using Git. This can save you a lot of time when syncing your local repository.

Vim: Edit all the files in the current directory of a Git repository in new tabs (git ls-files)

" Language: Vim script
" Description: edit all the Git files in the current
"              directory in new tabs (git ls-files
" License: MIT
" Author: James Cherti
" URL:

function! GitEditFiles() abort
  if &modified
    echoerr 'fatal: No write since last change.'

  let l:list_lines = systemlist('git ls-files')
  if v:shell_error !=# 0
    echomsg 'fatal: Git: ' . join(l:list_lines, "\n")

  let l:list_files = []
  for l:filename in l:list_lines
    if filereadable(l:filename)
      call add(l:list_files, l:filename)

  if len(l:list_files) ==# 0
    echo 'No Git files were found in the directory ' . getcwd()

  if len(l:list_files) > 7
    for l:filename in l:list_lines
      echo l:filename

    echo "\n"
    echo 'Git directory: ' . getcwd()
    echo 'Number of Git files: ' . len(l:list_files)
    echo "\n"
    let l:answer = input('Edit? [y,n]')
    if l:answer !=# 'y'

  let l:first = 1
  for l:file in l:list_files
    if l:first
      let l:first = 0
      execute 'tabnew'

    execute 'edit ' . fnameescape(l:file)

command! -nargs=0 GitEditFiles call GitEditFiles()Code language: Vim Script (vim)