Ansible: ansible-role-tuned, an Ansible role which configures tuned

The ansible-role-tuned Ansible playbook manages the installation, configuration, and activation of the tuned service.

Tuned is a dynamic adaptive system tuning tool used in Linux environments to optimize performance by adjusting various system settings dynamically. It provides pre-defined profiles that target specific use cases, such as high throughput, low latency, and energy saving, and automatically applies these configurations based on system activity.

For high traffic servers, using Tuned is beneficial as it can enhance network throughput and responsiveness by adjusting parameters like CPU frequency scaling, I/O scheduling, and network stack settings. This optimization results in improved server performance, reduced latency, and better handling of high loads, ultimately leading to a more efficient and reliable infrastructure for handling significant network traffic.

Example playbook

Here is an example of how to use ansible-role-tuned after installing it in the roles/tuned directory:

- hosts: SERVER
- {role: tuned,
tuned_profile: "throughput-performance"}


Ansible: Installing and configuring Gitolite using Ansible for secure Git repository management

EDIT: The latest version of the code is available in the repository:

Gitolite provides a way to manage Git repositories, control access to those repositories, and maintain a central configuration using simple configuration files and SSH keys.

Automating Gitolite Installation with Ansible

The Ansible tasks outlined in this article are designed to simplify the installation and configuration of Gitolite on your server. These tasks can automatically handle the entire setup process, including prerequisites like installing necessary packages and configuring system users and groups.

This automation significantly reduces the risk of human error and ensures a consistent setup across different environments.

The Ansible tasks:

# Automating Gitolite Installation with Ansible
# License: MIT
# Author: James Cherti
# URL:

- name: Install Gitolite
    - name: Check if the Operating System is supported
        msg: "Operating System family is not supported: {{ ansible_os_family }}"
      when: ansible_os_family not in ["Debian", "RedHat"]

    - name: Install Gitolite on Debian-based Systems
        name: gitolite3
      when: ansible_os_family == "Debian"

    - name: Install Gitolite on RedHat-based Systems
      yum: name=gitolite3
      when: ansible_os_family == "RedHat"

    - name: Create Gitolite system group
        name: "{{ gitolite_group }}"
        system: true

    - name: Create Gitolite system user
        name: "{{ gitolite_user }}"
        group: "{{ gitolite_group }}"
        home: "{{ gitolite_home }}"
        shell: "{{ gitolite_shell }}"
        create_home: true
        system: true

    - name: Ensure Gitolite home directory exists with proper permissions
        state: directory
        path: "{{ gitolite_home }}"
        owner: "{{ gitolite_user }}"
        group: "{{ gitolite_group }}"
        mode: 0700

- name: Configure Gitolite SSH key
    - name: Generate Gitolite SSH key pair if it does not exist
      become: true
      become_user: "{{ gitolite_user }}"
      command: ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -f {{ gitolite_ssh_key_path | quote }} -N ""
        creates: "{{ gitolite_ssh_key_path }}"

    - name: Set permissions for the Gitolite .ssh directory
        path: "{{ gitolite_ssh_directory }}"
        owner: "{{ gitolite_user }}"
        group: "{{ gitolite_user }}"
        mode: 0700

    - name: Set permissions for the SSH public key
        path: "{{ gitolite_ssh_key_path }}.pub"
        owner: "{{ gitolite_user }}"
        group: "{{ gitolite_user }}"
        mode: 0644

    - name: Set permissions for the SSH private key
        path: "{{ gitolite_ssh_key_path }}"
        owner: "{{ gitolite_user }}"
        group: "{{ gitolite_user }}"
        mode: 0600

- name: Setup Gitolite
    - name: Initialize Gitolite with the admin public key
      become: true
      become_user: "{{ gitolite_user }}"
          - "gitolite"
          - "setup"
          - "-pk"
          - "{{ gitolite_ssh_public_key_path }}"
        creates: /var/lib/gitolite/repositories/gitolite-admin.gitCode language: YAML (yaml)

The required Ansible variables:

# Automating Gitolite Installation with Ansible
# License: MIT
# Author: James Cherti
# URL:

gitolite_user: gitolite
gitolite_group: gitolite
gitolite_shell: /bin/bash
gitolite_home: "/var/lib/{{ gitolite_user }}"
gitolite_ssh_directory: "{{ gitolite_home }}/.ssh"
gitolite_ssh_key_path: "{{ gitolite_ssh_directory }}/id_rsa"
gitolite_ssh_public_key_path: "{{ gitolite_ssh_directory }}/"Code language: YAML (yaml)

Related links

Ansible: Reintegrating /etc/rc.local in Linux systems that use Systemd as their init system

For years, /etc/rc.local has been a staple in Linux administration, providing a straightforward means to execute scripts or commands automatically upon system startup. However, with the transition to newer init systems like systemd, the /etc/rc.local script is no longer executed at boot time.

Ansible tasks that restore the /etc/rc.local script

The following Ansible tasks will create and configure /etc/rc.local and also ensure its execution by Systemd at boot time.

# Description: Reintegrate /etc/rc.local in Linux systems that use Systemd 
#              as their init system.
# Author: James Cherti
# License: MIT
# URL:

- name: Check if /etc/rc.local exists
    path: "/etc/rc.local"
  register: etc_rc_local_file

- name: Create the file /etc/rc.local should it not already exist
    dest: /etc/rc.local
    owner: root
    group: root
    mode: 0750
    content: |
      #!/usr/bin/env bash
  when: not etc_rc_local_file.stat.exists

- name: Create the systemd service rc-local.service
  register: rc_local
    dest: /etc/systemd/system/rc-local.service
    owner: root
    group: root
    mode: 0644
    content: |
      Description=/etc/rc.local compatibility



- name: Reload systemd daemon
    daemon_reload: yes
  when: rc_local.changed|bool

- name: Enable rc-local.service
    name: rc-local
    enabled: true
Code language: YAML (yaml)

Vim: Open documentation in a new tab for the word under the cursor (Vim help, Python, man pages, Markdown, Ansible…)

The following Vim script (VimL) function can be used to make Vim open the documentation of the word under the cursor in a new tab for various languages and tools such as Vim help (:help), Python (Pydoc), Markdown (sdcv dictionary), man pages (Vim’s built-in ‘:Man’), and Ansible (ansible-doc).

The VimL function is also extensible, meaning that you can adapt it to work with any other documentation tool. By default, the key mapping upper-case “K” can be used to open the documentation for the word under the cursor in a new tab.

" Language: Vim script
" Author: James Cherti
" License: MIT
" Description: Vim: open help/documentation in a new tab 
"              (Vim script, Python, Markdown, man pages, Ansible...).
"              Press upper-case K to open help for the word under the cursor.
" URL:

function! TabHelp(word) abort
  let l:cmd = ''

  let l:tabhelpprg = get(b:, 'tabhelpprg', '')
  if l:tabhelpprg ==# ''
    normal! K

  if l:tabhelpprg[0] ==# ':'
    if stridx(l:tabhelpprg, '%s') ==# -1
      execute l:tabhelpprg
      execute printf(l:tabhelpprg, fnameescape(a:word))
    let l:cmd = 'silent read! '
    if stridx(l:tabhelpprg, '%s') ==# -1
      let l:cmd .= l:tabhelpprg
      let l:cmd .= printf(l:tabhelpprg, shellescape(a:word))

  execute 'silent tabnew help:' . fnameescape(a:word)

  setlocal modifiable
  silent normal! ggdG
  silent normal! 1Gdd
  if l:cmd !=# ''
    execute l:cmd
  silent normal! gg0
  setlocal nomodifiable
  setlocal noswapfile
  setlocal nowrap
  setlocal nonumber
  setlocal nomodified
  setlocal buftype=nofile
  setlocal bufhidden=delete
  if exists('&relativenumber')
    setlocal norelativenumber
  if exists('&signcolumn')
    setlocal signcolumn=no
  setlocal nofoldenable
  setlocal foldcolumn=0

augroup TabHelp
  autocmd FileType vim let b:tabhelpprg = ':tab help %s'
  autocmd FileType sh,zsh,csh if ! exists(':Man') | runtime ftplugin/man.vim | endif | let b:tabhelpprg = ':tab Man %s'
  autocmd FileType yaml.ansible if executable('ansible-doc') | let b:tabhelpprg = 'ansible-doc %s' | endif
  autocmd FileType markdown if executable('sdcv') | let b:tabhelpprg = 'sdcv %s' | endif
  autocmd FileType vim,sh,zsh,csh,yaml.ansible,markdown nnoremap <silent> <buffer> K :call TabHelp(expand('<cword>'))<CR>
augroup ENDCode language: Vim Script (vim)