Configure XFCE 4 programmatically with the help of watch-xfce-xfconf


Configuring XFCE 4 programmatically is useful if you wish to have the same XFCE 4 settings on several computers.

The command-line tool jamescherti/watch-xfce-xfconf (previously named: monitor-xfconf-changes) will help you to create shell scripts that can configure XFCE 4 programmatically. It will display the xfconf-query commands of all the Xfconf settings that are being modified by XFCE 4 programs (like xfce4-settings-manager, thunar, ristretto, etc.).

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How to use the command-line tool monitor-xfconf-changes?

The watch-xfce-xfconf command-line tool can be installed locally, in ~/.local/bin/watch-xfce-xfconf, using pip:

pip install --user watch-xfce-xfconf

Run xfce4-settings-manager in the background:

xfce4-settings-manager &

Execute watch-xfce-xfconf:

~/.local/bin/watch-xfce-xfconfCode language: plaintext (plaintext)

The xfconf-query commands will be displayed by watch-xfce-xfconf on the terminal every time an XFCE 4 setting is changed (with xfce4-settings-manager, thunar, ristretto, etc.).

You can then use the xfconf-query commands to configure XFCE 4 programmatically.

Links related to watch-xfce-xfconf